Group health benefits is merely another term for health insurance to a group, usually a company’s workforce or members of an organisation. The following are to benefit the employee by covering part of most medical expenses, including inpatient hospital care, care given by a doctor, preventive care, prescription drugs, and specialist care. The most important benefits of group health plans are relatively low premium and deductibles compared to individual plans. Therefore, the benefits are on both sides of the coin: employers get to avoid most heavy expenses; employees are allowed to enjoy good, well-rounded healthcare services that promote their performance while not absent much. Tax benefits and very high satisfaction and retention rates for employees by employers are also some very good perks. Group health benefits, however, vary widely in coverage options, provider networks, and cost. Employers can make plans flexible and accommodate the needs of a workforce. In essence, group health benefits ensure the health and wellbeing of employees, thereby supporting operational success in the organisation.